Friday 20 September 2019

The first ever drawing of Bob

With Area 51 trending today on Twitter, my mind was cast back to the artwork I did for my old website. It ended up changing a bit over the years but the little guy in the boat remained in place and would later become 'Bob'

Below are the original illustrations, before the Photoshop treatment.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Bob Drops so far....

In the Spring of 2019 I started a bit of an Odyssey, my aim, to emulate Bob's story physically by circling the UK leaving copies of Bob and the River of Time by water for people to find. There will be 20 copies in all, ending in Spring 2020.

So far I have left 8 copies, the locations were:


Bungay, Suffolk

Bearsted, Kent

Eynsford, Kent

Cuckmere Haven, East Sussex


Puttles Bridge, The New Forest

Dawlish, Devon

Calstock, Cornwall

Steventon, Oxford

Each drop contains an original piece of art from the book, a signed print and a letter for the finder. So far, 7 of the 8 finders have been in touch with me to tell me of their find - a great result! Autumn approaches and my next destination will be Wales.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Here we go again...

My last post was 2011, 8 years ago which is when I started work on Bob and the River of Time, the next post won't be so long - 7 years tops.... My sincere apologies to all my avid followers which currently stands at 0.

A lot has happened in those 8 years, Bob got written, illustrated and published and two spin-offs are in the wings - Denzel's Grey Day and Wart's Grit. Most importantly I have a beautiful 2 and a half year old daughter called Ivy, she is a phenomenon.

Obviously other things happened but there is far too much to write about in this post so I'm going to keep it brief, my aim is to start using this platform as a diary of sorts with flashbacks to anything relevant... Like in the cool films. If I gain any followers as a result, then cool - really cool, if not, I might just get a few things off my chest. Win win.

In the meantime please feel free to gaze upon the picture of my Bob book in all it's glory. Until the next time....

Tuesday 8 November 2011


This is where it all happens, take a peek and don't forget
to pull Bob's honker......